Hello Epvp today I Will Shared Cheat Wartune Level (Not Permanent) But You Can MP And Collecting Legend Stone For legendary Equipment
Cheat Engine
-Open CE
-Open Wartune
-Select Proces
-Scan Type 4 Bytes
-Scan Your Exp ( Ex = 123567 Scan In CE 1234567 )
-You Will Find Only 1 Adres
-Drag That Code To Down
-Change The Addres (Not Value)
Example Address 7AD5AB Change To 7AD5A-4 Just Delete Last Addres And Change to -4
-And Change The Value To 80
-Go To Chamber Guild Or TOA
-Back To Town Look You Up Level 80
-Mp With Friends (LVL80 Or Low)
NOTE : For New Player Minimum Lvl 11 To Do This
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Food And Gold Dragon City 4.2
HACK FOOD :1K7 GOLD/30s/pay 500gold
LINK : ToolDragonCity4.2(food&Gold)
LINK : ToolDragonCity4.2food&Gold
PASS : phucvinh52
-Cần có framework >4.0 để chạy
-Bán nhà cốc bia đi mới hack được
NOTE HACK GOLD : You need ... framework >4.0
Remove RECRUITMENT TAVERN in pictures
VÍ DỤ : bạn có 12/12 food farm thì phải bán đi 2 nhà foos farm
2 empty FOOD FARM
in pictures
Hack food
.....running on the server
.......... => network lag
For many people
hack food nó chạy trên server nên có thể sẽ hơi lag khi đông người
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
ZD Soft Screen Recorder + serial number
download here :click here
ZD Soft Screen Recorder 5.4 + keygen
download here :click here
1, install the zd soft 5.4
2. download keygen
----> http://adf.ly/WTAcT <----
3. copy the hardware
4.paste to keygen.
5.copy the serial number then paster it.
enjoy thanks.
Aztec hack Dragon city
* How to get Free Aztec temple.
Aztec temple Press get now free. (normal must be cleared before to pick up).
* How to get Free Aztec warrior.
If you want it. must clear the quests in the game through Aztec temple before.
And then came get Aztec warrior at pro without doing quests.
* How to get Free Aztec priest.
If you want it. must clear the quests in the game through Aztec warrior before.
And then came get Aztec priests at pro without doing quests.
* How to get Free Aztec emperor.
If you want it. must clear the quests in the game through Aztec priest before.
And then came get Aztec emperor at pro without doing quests.
*** Click ***.Dragon City aZTEC HACK.*** Click ***.
Aztec temple Press get now free. (normal must be cleared before to pick up).
* How to get Free Aztec warrior.
If you want it. must clear the quests in the game through Aztec temple before.
And then came get Aztec warrior at pro without doing quests.
* How to get Free Aztec priest.
If you want it. must clear the quests in the game through Aztec warrior before.
And then came get Aztec priests at pro without doing quests.
* How to get Free Aztec emperor.
If you want it. must clear the quests in the game through Aztec priest before.
And then came get Aztec emperor at pro without doing quests.
*** Click ***.Dragon City aZTEC HACK.*** Click ***.
Monday, September 23, 2013
how to get your fbid and your sessionid
hello guys
i gonna show you how to get your
fbid and your sessionid
step to get your fbid
1.open this -> http://findmyfacebookid.com
2.open dragon city
then right click the "Free Gifts"
then click "View Frame Source"
1. click CTRL + F
then write " userId " to find your Fbid
then write " sessionId " to find your SessionId
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tap Tap 4
Free Music List download
1. download ifunbox in my tools
2. download the file song
2. download the file song
3. go to Tap Tap 4 > Documents>
4. create folder "Themes" and "Tracks"
[HACK] Plants vs. Zombies™ 2 v1.3.239853 no jb
Works for jailbroken and non-jailbroken iDevices.
All features are in one save, choose another player.
<<<<HACK Features>>>>
-Unlimited Keys
-Unlimited Coins
-Unlimited Stars
-All In-App Unlocked
-All levels Unlocked
<<<<HACK Features 2>>>>
-Unlimited Coins
-All In-App Unlocked
<<<<HACK Features 3>>>>
-All In-App Unlocked
1. Download game and install it.
2. Download zip file.
Click Here To Download
3. Use iFunbox or iFile go to /var/mobile/Applications/PvZ 2/
Backup your files- Library folder.
Replace this files from hacked archive- com.popcap.ios.PvZ2.plist and com.popcap to /var/mobile/Applications/PvZ 2/Library/Preferences/
Extract all files from hacked archive to /var/mobile/Applications/PvZ 2/Library/Application Support/No_Backup/ and rewrite them
And place all files from zip to the same directory.
4. Go to game and Enjoy
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Charles Proxy 3.8.1 + License Key Full Version Crack
Charles Proxy 3.8.1 + License Key (Full Version) Crack
Download: (Official Web-site)
Serial Number :
Link 1
Link 2
Music: Phoenix - Lisztomania (Alex Metric Remix)
extra tag:
Charles Proxy Serial number
Charles Proxy Crack
Charles Proxy 3.8.1
Charles Proxy Full Version + serial number
Download: (Official Web-site)
Serial Number :
Link 1
Link 2
Music: Phoenix - Lisztomania (Alex Metric Remix)
extra tag:
Charles Proxy Serial number
Charles Proxy Crack
Charles Proxy 3.8.1
Charles Proxy Full Version + serial number
League Of Legends Helper Tool (LOLHT Lite) 6 - Mini Maphack, lasthit; +++ (Updated)
How to download and install:
1) Download the tool from MultiUpload : mirror 1 mirror 2
1.1) Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/bg/file/cf0e3718bfd3c288bfc6a00a0f6d59ebac734634ff1bce6d77bd8a1cad50e0d2/analysis/1378746814/
1.2) Jotti: http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/3e52c2fd7834873cc28fe615504e1e35737c2a4a
2) Save it anywhere on the PC (no installation needed)
3) Extract it and start the tool as an administrator.
4) After that ... you are ready, just minimize LOLHTLite and start playing games.
Note that you can start the tool after your LoL match has started to avoid any possible crashes/problems too.
[F8] Menu Features explanation and meaning:
MyRange (1): Draws a red circle around you, showing you the range of your basic attacks.
ExpRange (1): Draws a white transparent circle around your champion, showing from how far you can keep gaining experience from minions.
PlayersRange (1): Will draw a red transparent circle over enemies showing their attack range.
PlayersRange (2): Will draw over teammates green and over enemies red circle showing their attack range.
WardPlacement (1): Draws a circle over a place on the SummonersRiftMap where you should set up a ward to gain maximum advantage of it's visiblity.
EnemyVision (1): Draws a solid red circle around the closest enemy to you (excluding jungle) showing their vision range. This little extra can help you sneak in bushes and gank your enemies by surprise.
GankDetector (1): Will show a red message over your champion saying "Enemy jungler approaching!" if goes too close (between 4000~1250 range). But remember, you might need a ward or two in the bushes for this feature to have good effect.
TurretRange (1): Draws a red circle around enemy turrets and green circle around ally turrets showing their attack range.
MapRevealer (1): Shows the last movement an enemy has made before entering the fog of war. Leaves a projectile on that last place you saw them without HP bar. Also on the minimap they are marked with white circle instead of red.
LastHitMarker (1): Draws a white circle around an enemy minion, which shows that you can kill him with one basic attack and gain the gold from it.
SmiteMarker (1): Draws a LightBlue circle around a jungle unit, showing you that if you use smite on it, it will die.
SmiteRange (1): Draws a blue circle around your champion which shows the exact range of your Summoner Smite spell.
IgniteMarker (1): Draws a red circle around an enemy champion if you can kill him with ignite, taking into account his HP regen for the duration.
JungleTimers (1): Shows on top of your screen the information about a jungle campus on the Summoner's Rift. Also when a campus is cleared, on the ground is also shown a timer.
ARAMTimers (1): Draws a timer on the HP-Spots for the Howling Abyss map, showing their time-left before respawn.
ExtraChampInfo (1): Targetting a champion (enemies or friends) will show you their hidden stats, good if you want to know what masteries/runes they got active in this game.
SpellsStatus (1): Draws over champions the spells they have, shows how much they have levelled a spell, and if it's on cooldown.
Red - it's on cooldown.
Green - it's up and can be used.
Blue - haven't leveled it up once.
From left, to right the order is Q,W,E,R...
Screenshot :
================================================== ========
Champion Specific Features:
SpellFarmMarker (1): Will draw a dark blue circle around enemy minions, which can be killed with your farming spell(s). (Supported champions: Irelia, Gangplank, Veigar, Annie, Ryze, Pantheon, Nasus, Katarina, Kassadin, Karthus, Akali)
================================================== ========
[F9] Menu; LOLHT SpellBurst v2 features and explanation:
ShowDebugInfo (1): If you were your own enemy, the burst damages are calculated depending on your own resistances and health. It shows with blue color if your spell is AP, with red if your spell is AD and with white if your spell does TRUE damage.
IgnorePreDistance (1): Use this feature, if you are planning on using SkillShotPrediction with a value bigger than 1, and in case you are having a skillshot spell which doesn't depend on travel distance from you to the enemy, but instead is popping up from the ground or is falling from the sky, so the timing is the same always, such spells are like ChoGath[Q], KogMaw[R] or Veigar[W].
SkillShotPrediction (0~20): Use this feature, if you are having a champion which uses skillshots, such as Ezreal or any other. Prediction depends on ping, fps and the distance between the enemy and you. Find which prediction suits best for you, but the best values vary from 7 to 15. As [8] is great on Ezreal Q and W.
DrawPredictionCircle (1): When you click over an enemy with your left mouse, he becomes your target and a circle is drawn over him, green if he is not behind minions, and blue if he is hiding behind minions.
SpellBurstMarker (1): Draws a solid light green circle around an enemy if you can kill him with your current abilities set for the burst in the F9 menu, this circle includes items and excludes spells which are on cooldown. (For example if all your spells are in the burst by default, but only your [Q] is not, and you still get a green circle it means that your [Q] can kill the enemy).
BurstsCountToKill (1): This feature will draw a number over a champion, if you have specified any spells for burst combo. This will calculate how much bursts (excluding items) you need to perform over an enemy to kill him. (Includes spells which are currently on cooldown)
GlobalUltKillNotifier (1): Whenever you have set a proper damage to your ultimate burst, and if you enable this feature, over your champion with yellow text will be drawn the name of the enemy champion(s) which you can kill. Be aware that you get notified about champions in the fog of war, which means you need to be careful about not wasting your ultimate.
Supported champions are: Karthus, Lux, Ziggs, Ashe, Ezreal, Caitlyn, Draven).
IncludeItemsInBurst (1): If you activate this feature, items like http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Deathfire_Grasp, http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Hextech_Gunblade, http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Bilgewater_Cutlass or http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Blade_of_the_Ruined_King or http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Tiamat or http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ravenous_Hydra will be taken into account in your AutoSpellBurst, also those items always engage the combo if they exist and are not on cooldown.
[X]SpellRange (125~1200): Specifies how much range the spell is having. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Blitzcrank has 925 range).
[X]DrawRange (1): Draws a circle around your champion, showing the spellrange of your [X]
[X]IsSkillShot (1):With this feature, you specify in your Burst/Harass combo if the specific spell is a skillshot or a directly castable spell, for example Annie [Q] is a direct spell, but Annie [R] is a skillshot just like Ezreal [Q].
[X]IsSkillShot (2): With this feature, you specify in your Burst/Harass combo if the specific spell is casted to your own champion or around him just like an AOE spell for example Blitzcrank [E] or Ultimate, or Darius [Q], [W].
[X]IsMinionBlocked (1): If your spell is a skillshot, it might be possible that it's blocked by enemy minions (it collides in them). To be more specific for example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal is blocked by minions but http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal is not.
[X]InHarassOrder (0~4): Specify if you want to use the specific spell in your harass combo with space. Set to 0 if you don't want to use in the harass combo.
[X]InBurstOrder (0~4): Specify if you want to use the specific spell in your auto burst combo. Set to 0 if you don't want to use in the burst combo.
[X]DmgType: (1~3): Specify what type of damage your specific spell is dealing, 1 is AP, 2 is AD, 3 is TRUEDMG. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal does AD dmg, http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal does AP dmg, and http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Olaf does TRUEDMG).
[X]DmgAtLvl1 (0~1000): Specify how much damage your spell does at level 1. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal at level 1 does 35 dmg)
[X]DmgPerLvl (0~1000): Specify how much damage your spell gains per level. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal gains 20 dmg per lvl, it's calculated by subbing lvl 2dmg from lvl1 dmg, in this case 55-35=2)
+[X]AP % (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your AP. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal gains 20% more dmg from AP)
+[X]BonusAD % (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your BonusAD (your bonus damage from items/masteries) (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal has different bonuses, varying from 30% to 100%)
+[X]AD% (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your total AD (basedmg+bonusdmg). (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal gains 100% from his total AD)
Champion Specific Bonuses
+[X]BonusFromMaxMana (0~10): Applies for Ryze, specifies how much bonus damage you take from your maximum mana for the specific spell. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ryze takes 6% of his maxmana as dmg)
+[R]%BonusFromEnemyAP (0~200): Applies for http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Veigar, specifies how much % bonus dmg you take from enemy AP.
[X]%DmgAtlvl1Per/Maximum/Current/Missing/HP (XXX): Specifies if your spell does damage per Maximum/Current/Missing Health at level 1. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Mundo does 15% dmg of his enemy Current Health.)
[X]%DmgPerlvlPer/Maximum/Current/Missing/HP (XXX): Specifies how much % more your spell gains per level. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Mundo gains 3% bonus per level from Current HP, calculated by 18-15=3)
+[X]%HP/Maxi/Curr/Miss/BonusPer100AP (XX): Some spells gain bonus percent (or more) if you have 100 AP, with this you can specify this. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Zac gains 2% more dmg from 100 AP).
[X]DmgSelfCalculated (1): In some case, there might be a champion that needs this feature, for example "Darius Ultimate", in this case by enabling this, LOLHT will calculate the damage for you automaticly.
================================================== =====
Whenever you play a champion for the first time, a config will be created in C:\LOLHT Configs v2 with it's name. In there you will find a section called "Hotkeys" and there you can change the keys used for your spells.
A list with hotkeys in demical values you can find here: http://cherrytree.at/misc/vk.htm
================================================== =====
Also in this new version, some bugs were fixed, such as random bugsplats, random circles over the map, checking if enemy is in FOG and if, then not to cast any bursts or w/e. SpellStatus is way more stable and clean, GankDetector doesn't give errors anymore...
If you have ideas or want to discuss the tool, you can do it here.
1) Download the tool from MultiUpload : mirror 1 mirror 2
1.1) Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/bg/file/cf0e3718bfd3c288bfc6a00a0f6d59ebac734634ff1bce6d77bd8a1cad50e0d2/analysis/1378746814/
1.2) Jotti: http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/3e52c2fd7834873cc28fe615504e1e35737c2a4a
2) Save it anywhere on the PC (no installation needed)
3) Extract it and start the tool as an administrator.
4) After that ... you are ready, just minimize LOLHTLite and start playing games.
Note that you can start the tool after your LoL match has started to avoid any possible crashes/problems too.
[F8] Menu Features explanation and meaning:
MyRange (1): Draws a red circle around you, showing you the range of your basic attacks.
ExpRange (1): Draws a white transparent circle around your champion, showing from how far you can keep gaining experience from minions.
PlayersRange (1): Will draw a red transparent circle over enemies showing their attack range.
PlayersRange (2): Will draw over teammates green and over enemies red circle showing their attack range.
WardPlacement (1): Draws a circle over a place on the SummonersRiftMap where you should set up a ward to gain maximum advantage of it's visiblity.
EnemyVision (1): Draws a solid red circle around the closest enemy to you (excluding jungle) showing their vision range. This little extra can help you sneak in bushes and gank your enemies by surprise.
GankDetector (1): Will show a red message over your champion saying "Enemy jungler approaching!" if goes too close (between 4000~1250 range). But remember, you might need a ward or two in the bushes for this feature to have good effect.
TurretRange (1): Draws a red circle around enemy turrets and green circle around ally turrets showing their attack range.
MapRevealer (1): Shows the last movement an enemy has made before entering the fog of war. Leaves a projectile on that last place you saw them without HP bar. Also on the minimap they are marked with white circle instead of red.
LastHitMarker (1): Draws a white circle around an enemy minion, which shows that you can kill him with one basic attack and gain the gold from it.
SmiteMarker (1): Draws a LightBlue circle around a jungle unit, showing you that if you use smite on it, it will die.
SmiteRange (1): Draws a blue circle around your champion which shows the exact range of your Summoner Smite spell.
IgniteMarker (1): Draws a red circle around an enemy champion if you can kill him with ignite, taking into account his HP regen for the duration.
JungleTimers (1): Shows on top of your screen the information about a jungle campus on the Summoner's Rift. Also when a campus is cleared, on the ground is also shown a timer.
ARAMTimers (1): Draws a timer on the HP-Spots for the Howling Abyss map, showing their time-left before respawn.
SpellsStatus (1): Draws over champions the spells they have, shows how much they have levelled a spell, and if it's on cooldown.
Red - it's on cooldown.
Green - it's up and can be used.
Blue - haven't leveled it up once.
From left, to right the order is Q,W,E,R...
Screenshot :
================================================== ========
Champion Specific Features:
SpellFarmMarker (1): Will draw a dark blue circle around enemy minions, which can be killed with your farming spell(s). (Supported champions: Irelia, Gangplank, Veigar, Annie, Ryze, Pantheon, Nasus, Katarina, Kassadin, Karthus, Akali)
================================================== ========
[F9] Menu; LOLHT SpellBurst v2 features and explanation:
ShowDebugInfo (1): If you were your own enemy, the burst damages are calculated depending on your own resistances and health. It shows with blue color if your spell is AP, with red if your spell is AD and with white if your spell does TRUE damage.
IgnorePreDistance (1): Use this feature, if you are planning on using SkillShotPrediction with a value bigger than 1, and in case you are having a skillshot spell which doesn't depend on travel distance from you to the enemy, but instead is popping up from the ground or is falling from the sky, so the timing is the same always, such spells are like ChoGath[Q], KogMaw[R] or Veigar[W].
SkillShotPrediction (0~20): Use this feature, if you are having a champion which uses skillshots, such as Ezreal or any other. Prediction depends on ping, fps and the distance between the enemy and you. Find which prediction suits best for you, but the best values vary from 7 to 15. As [8] is great on Ezreal Q and W.
DrawPredictionCircle (1): When you click over an enemy with your left mouse, he becomes your target and a circle is drawn over him, green if he is not behind minions, and blue if he is hiding behind minions.
SpellBurstMarker (1): Draws a solid light green circle around an enemy if you can kill him with your current abilities set for the burst in the F9 menu, this circle includes items and excludes spells which are on cooldown. (For example if all your spells are in the burst by default, but only your [Q] is not, and you still get a green circle it means that your [Q] can kill the enemy).
BurstsCountToKill (1): This feature will draw a number over a champion, if you have specified any spells for burst combo. This will calculate how much bursts (excluding items) you need to perform over an enemy to kill him. (Includes spells which are currently on cooldown)
GlobalUltKillNotifier (1): Whenever you have set a proper damage to your ultimate burst, and if you enable this feature, over your champion with yellow text will be drawn the name of the enemy champion(s) which you can kill. Be aware that you get notified about champions in the fog of war, which means you need to be careful about not wasting your ultimate.
Supported champions are: Karthus, Lux, Ziggs, Ashe, Ezreal, Caitlyn, Draven).
IncludeItemsInBurst (1): If you activate this feature, items like http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Deathfire_Grasp, http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Hextech_Gunblade, http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Bilgewater_Cutlass or http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Blade_of_the_Ruined_King or http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Tiamat or http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ravenous_Hydra will be taken into account in your AutoSpellBurst, also those items always engage the combo if they exist and are not on cooldown.
[X]SpellRange (125~1200): Specifies how much range the spell is having. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Blitzcrank has 925 range).
[X]DrawRange (1): Draws a circle around your champion, showing the spellrange of your [X]
[X]IsSkillShot (1):With this feature, you specify in your Burst/Harass combo if the specific spell is a skillshot or a directly castable spell, for example Annie [Q] is a direct spell, but Annie [R] is a skillshot just like Ezreal [Q].
[X]IsSkillShot (2): With this feature, you specify in your Burst/Harass combo if the specific spell is casted to your own champion or around him just like an AOE spell for example Blitzcrank [E] or Ultimate, or Darius [Q], [W].
[X]IsMinionBlocked (1): If your spell is a skillshot, it might be possible that it's blocked by enemy minions (it collides in them). To be more specific for example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal is blocked by minions but http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal is not.
[X]InHarassOrder (0~4): Specify if you want to use the specific spell in your harass combo with space. Set to 0 if you don't want to use in the harass combo.
[X]InBurstOrder (0~4): Specify if you want to use the specific spell in your auto burst combo. Set to 0 if you don't want to use in the burst combo.
[X]DmgType: (1~3): Specify what type of damage your specific spell is dealing, 1 is AP, 2 is AD, 3 is TRUEDMG. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal does AD dmg, http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal does AP dmg, and http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Olaf does TRUEDMG).
[X]DmgAtLvl1 (0~1000): Specify how much damage your spell does at level 1. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal at level 1 does 35 dmg)
[X]DmgPerLvl (0~1000): Specify how much damage your spell gains per level. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal gains 20 dmg per lvl, it's calculated by subbing lvl 2dmg from lvl1 dmg, in this case 55-35=2)
+[X]AP % (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your AP. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal gains 20% more dmg from AP)
+[X]BonusAD % (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your BonusAD (your bonus damage from items/masteries) (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal has different bonuses, varying from 30% to 100%)
+[X]AD% (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your total AD (basedmg+bonusdmg). (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal gains 100% from his total AD)
Champion Specific Bonuses
+[X]BonusFromMaxMana (0~10): Applies for Ryze, specifies how much bonus damage you take from your maximum mana for the specific spell. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ryze takes 6% of his maxmana as dmg)
+[R]%BonusFromEnemyAP (0~200): Applies for http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Veigar, specifies how much % bonus dmg you take from enemy AP.
[X]%DmgAtlvl1Per/Maximum/Current/Missing/HP (XXX): Specifies if your spell does damage per Maximum/Current/Missing Health at level 1. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Mundo does 15% dmg of his enemy Current Health.)
[X]%DmgPerlvlPer/Maximum/Current/Missing/HP (XXX): Specifies how much % more your spell gains per level. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Mundo gains 3% bonus per level from Current HP, calculated by 18-15=3)
+[X]%HP/Maxi/Curr/Miss/BonusPer100AP (XX): Some spells gain bonus percent (or more) if you have 100 AP, with this you can specify this. (For example http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Zac gains 2% more dmg from 100 AP).
[X]DmgSelfCalculated (1): In some case, there might be a champion that needs this feature, for example "Darius Ultimate", in this case by enabling this, LOLHT will calculate the damage for you automaticly.
================================================== =====
Whenever you play a champion for the first time, a config will be created in C:\LOLHT Configs v2 with it's name. In there you will find a section called "Hotkeys" and there you can change the keys used for your spells.
A list with hotkeys in demical values you can find here: http://cherrytree.at/misc/vk.htm
================================================== =====
Also in this new version, some bugs were fixed, such as random bugsplats, random circles over the map, checking if enemy is in FOG and if, then not to cast any bursts or w/e. SpellStatus is way more stable and clean, GankDetector doesn't give errors anymore...
If you have ideas or want to discuss the tool, you can do it here.
"Dragon city Trick"
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-Buy Breeding Nest + Deus Pet Dragon (StarterPack) [50Gem]
-Move Habitat
-Breed Dragon

-Choice is a dragon egg.
1.1 Press the "จัดการที่อยู่อาศัย".
1.2 Click on "รายการที่อยู่บนเกาะ" habitats meet a dragon egg (if not know choose the playground Kindergarten) * it is must not full.
-Moved into a dragon egg.
2.1 Click on "จัดการมังกรและไข่".
2.2 Press the "เลือกรายการ" (it becomes the source code of Kindergarten).
2.3 Press the "มังกรในสต็อก" and the choose dragon comes.
2.4 Press the "ใช้งาน" see results that are based to that data. ประสบความสำเร็จ
-The eggs to be a dragon.
3.1 Press the "โหลดข้อมูล" again.
3.2 Click on "จัดการมังกรและไข่".
3.3 Press the "มังกรในเกาะ" a name that is a dragon level 0.
3.4 Press the "ให้อาหาร" our Discover the top is up. ประสบความสำเร็จ /dragon dragon at level 0 will be level 1.
You Need More Gold For Get More Exp.
ghost link
link 1
Port: 8080 (Work Only Thailand Proxy)
Just Put Facebook iD and Session iD
-Gold 9M (Auto Sumit)
-Buy Dragon,Habitat
-Free Dragon (Recruitment)
-Auto Growing Food
-Unlock Formula (Deus Vault) For Free
-Buy Breeding Nest + Deus Pet Dragon (StarterPack) [50Gem]
-Move Habitat
-Breed Dragon
-Choice is a dragon egg.
1.1 Press the "จัดการที่อยู่อาศัย".
1.2 Click on "รายการที่อยู่บนเกาะ" habitats meet a dragon egg (if not know choose the playground Kindergarten) * it is must not full.
-Moved into a dragon egg.
2.1 Click on "จัดการมังกรและไข่".
2.2 Press the "เลือกรายการ" (it becomes the source code of Kindergarten).
2.3 Press the "มังกรในสต็อก" and the choose dragon comes.
2.4 Press the "ใช้งาน" see results that are based to that data. ประสบความสำเร็จ
-The eggs to be a dragon.
3.1 Press the "โหลดข้อมูล" again.
3.2 Click on "จัดการมังกรและไข่".
3.3 Press the "มังกรในเกาะ" a name that is a dragon level 0.
3.4 Press the "ให้อาหาร" our Discover the top is up. ประสบความสำเร็จ /dragon dragon at level 0 will be level 1.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
NEW UPDATE AUTO HACK 9,5M GOLD ; 6M EXP link : Mirror 1link : Mirror 2please remove the spaces from the link
NOTE : You must have RECRUITMENT TAVERN in pictures

GUIDE :HACK GOLD ......... COPY " vàng " PASTE ----> Red circle in pictures
HACK EXP ........ COPY " kinh nghiệm " PASTE ----> Red circle in pictures

NOTE : "ID nhà lai" and "Code eggs muốn lai ra" ----- OUT
Stick Run Hack
Cheat Engine
NOTE : Must Have Sombrero hat

-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "stickrunteam"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Stick Run Teams Skin
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "fuuu"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask Fuu Meme

-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "moneycap"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask Moneycap
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "lolface"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask lolface
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "anon"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask Anon
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "trollface"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask TrollFace
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "rainbow"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Skin Rainbow

-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "diamond"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Skin Diamond

-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-4bytes to String
-Example You Want hack vip
-Scan "vip"
-Drag All Code And Change To "boxhead" cost 50 coins
-Open Shop Buy Boxhead With Image Vip Skin (50 Coins)
-Open Items Use Vip Skin
-And Play

-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-4bytes to String
-Example You Want hack brocap
-Scan "brocap"
-Drag All Code And Change To "boxhead" cost 50 coins
-Open Shop Buy Boxhead With Image brocap (50 Coins)
-Open Items Use Vip Skin
-And Play
Cheat Engine
NOTE : Must Have Sombrero hat
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "stickrunteam"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Stick Run Teams Skin
-Click Singleplayer
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "fuuu"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask Fuu Meme
-Click Singleplayer
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "moneycap"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask Moneycap
-Click Singleplayer
-Then Fast ReloadCHEAT LOL FACE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "lolface"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask lolface
-Click Singleplayer
-Then Fast ReloadCHEAT MASK ANON
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "anon"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask Anon
-Click Singleplayer
Troll Face |
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "trollface"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Hat/Mask TrollFace
-Click Singleplayer
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "rainbow"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Skin Rainbow
-Click Singleplayer
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-Select Proces
-4Bytes To String/Text
-Enable Speedhak "0.005"
-Scan "sombrero"
-Drag All Code
-Change To "diamond"
-Open Items (Wait 5-10 Second)
-Use Skin Diamond
-Click Singleplayer
Boxhead |
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-4bytes to String
-Example You Want hack vip
-Scan "vip"
-Drag All Code And Change To "boxhead" cost 50 coins
-Open Shop Buy Boxhead With Image Vip Skin (50 Coins)
-Open Items Use Vip Skin
-And Play
-Open CE
-Open Stick Run
-4bytes to String
-Example You Want hack brocap
-Scan "brocap"
-Drag All Code And Change To "boxhead" cost 50 coins
-Open Shop Buy Boxhead With Image brocap (50 Coins)
-Open Items Use Vip Skin
-And Play
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